“The current process is unproductive, for both sides…LawyerMe was created with both the everyday person and lawyers in mind…The platform benefits both sides of the coin.”

About LawyerMe

LawyerMe helps everyone understand their legal rights by connecting everyday people with lawyers. 

The current process is unproductive for both sides. LawyerMe was created with both the everyday person and lawyers in mind.

LawyerMe helps the everyday person to seamlessly post their legal query and reach out to lawyers directly. No more searching the internet for information that may or may not be reliable, trying to make sense of complex legal jargon, or being recommended a lawyer by a close relative who does not even practice in the area of law that you need assistance in. LawyerMe empowers you to make an informed choice about your legal representation.

At the same time, LawyerMe helps lawyers quickly and efficiently reach out to clients who are looking for legal assistance. Trying to reach out to clients using traditional methods such as social gatherings and long lunches have become a thing of the past

LawyerMe benefits both sides of the coin by improving the way lawyers and clients connect.  

Our Mission

To provide legal help to anyone, anytime, anywhere by connecting everyday people with certified lawyers.

At LawyerMe, we strive to make the process simpler and more efficient for both the everyday person, and all lawyers across Australia.

COVID-19 has created a new playing field, whereby the traditional means of connecting through social meet-ups and networking are no longer a feature of daily life. We now reach out to each other from the comfort of our own home or office via messaging and video-calls

Giving and receiving legal info shouldn’t be so hard…and it’s our mission to make it simpler.

Google Reviews

See how LawyeMe has helped others in the same position as you 

Connecting Clients with Lawyers at a touch of a button

Clients can reach out to lawyers and lawyers can reach out to clients – this significantly increases the chance of matching the best lawyer to each case

LawyerMe facilitates the connection between clients and lawyers. We know that legal help may be expensive so we have made it our mission to keep this part of the process free for clients

On LawyerMe you are in full control and have everything you need in one place. Customise your profile, send private messages and set up Zoom meetings 

All lawyers on LawyerMe are certified. They have a detailed profile that allows you to see whether they are right for you

Meet the Team

Crina R - our kickass Founder

Our founder and CEO knows a thing or two about the law. She’s a Lawyer by trade and has been for the last 5 years so she understands how lawyers work, but more importantly what clients are looking for and how to best serve their needs. 

Crina is also on a mission to empower women in the law industry. To encourage and support all women to take control of their destiny and strive to reach the top!  

Crina completed a Bachelor of Law and Finance at the Macquarie University and has been working as a lawyer in Sydney.  

Apart from being an empathetic and compassionate lawyer (don’t see many of those) she is also a kickass volleyball player and axe thrower. 

"The law industry is definitely a tough area to succeed in for anyone, however if you can give a little boost of courage and hope to someone I know they can achieve anything" - Crina R

Daniel R - Co-founder

Our co-founder is also passionate about helping to simplify the law and make it more approachable to the common person. As a common person himself, he has had his fair share of confusion when it comes to which type of lawyer to choose, what area of law a particular issue pertains to and just the hassle of trying to search for and find the right lawyer.

Daniel shines light on what clients are looking for in this day and age and how to best cater to them by using an online platform.

"Understanding the law is already so complicated. It is also hard to quickly find a lawyer that you aligns with your needs, so the whole process is frustrating. We wanted to create a place that can make it easy and simple for the common person to connect with a lawyer" - Daniel R